Stop, Delay, Prevent or Reverse Mortgage Foreclosure
The subprime mortgage financing crisis has caused severe consequences for homeowners, resulting in an increase in foreclosures in Florida. Many borrowers have missed mortgage payments, received default notices and received foreclosure notices. Intervention: Prevent, stop, delay or reverse foreclosure. First, we intervene on your behalf to defend you in mortgage foreclosure proceedings, reverse a sheriff’s … Continue reading Stop, Delay, Prevent or Reverse Mortgage Foreclosure
Helping You Avoid Foreclosure To Keep Your Home
We are dedicated to doing everything we can to help you save your home. Raising every defense available under applicable laws, we will work hard to help you avoid foreclosure. There are several ways in which we can help you: Negotiating with mortgage lenders to modify your mortgage so that you are able to pay … Continue reading Helping You Avoid Foreclosure To Keep Your Home
Commercial and Residential Real Estate Litigation Services
Our firm focuses on protecting the rights of individuals. Therefore, we aggressively assert our clients’ interests in the following typical real estate disputes: Real estate contract disputes: We help clients enforce their rights under a purchase agreement (agreement of sale) and other real estate agreements, such as broker agreements. These cases frequently involve a broken … Continue reading Commercial and Residential Real Estate Litigation Services
A Chapter 11 reorganization bankruptcy is more appropriate where there is ongoing income that can be used to pay creditors, at least in part. Reorganizations are governed by several chapters of the Bankruptcy Code. Chapter 11 generally controls reorganizations for individual debtors with high debts or for larger business entities. Chapter 13, on the other … Continue reading Reorganization
Is Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Right for You?
In general, Chapter 13 is most appropriate for people who have fallen behind on payments for secured loans such as their home mortgage or a car loan. It is also useful for people who may be eligible for Chapter 7 but who do not want to surrender property or assets that Chapter 7 will not … Continue reading Is Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Right for You?
Chapter 7 Relief Is Available to Both Individuals and Businesses
Chapter 7 bankruptcies, also called “straight bankruptcies,” are the most common form chosen by individual consumers. In a Chapter 7 consumer bankruptcy, the individual debtor’s estate is liquidated and the assets are distributed to creditors. Partnerships, sole proprietorships and corporations are also eligible to file under Chapter 7. However, unlike individuals, these business entities are … Continue reading Chapter 7 Relief Is Available to Both Individuals and Businesses